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Ebook Central
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  • Included in Discovery
Ebook Central
  • Export
  • Included in Discovery


Ebook Central is a collection of over 210,000 books and other authoritative content to which we have full-text access. It covers multiple subject areas.
A short form may pop up asking you to indicate which School/Department you are in. Please pick from the drop-down list.

Accessibility Statement (This link opens in a new window)

More Info

Please note that to download ebooks from Ebook Central you will need to have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your PC. If you want to access your downloaded content on multiple PCs or devices you will need to register for an Adobe ID - further guidance on this can be found on the EBook Central Help Site
If you are on campus, Digital Editions can be found in AppsAnywhere. You will need to open this software before attempting to download the book.

Can I access this resource?

To access E-Book Central you must be either:

  • A Teesside University undergraduate or postgraduate
  • A member of Teesside University staff
  • A TUCP student or member of teaching staff at a TUCP College

If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource


 Use of licenced material

All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.

All databases are provided for educational use only.

A copy of the full terms of the E-Book Central licence can be found below.

List of electronic resource licences (E-H) (This link opens in a new window)

