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Mintel Oxygen
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Mintel Oxygen
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Mintel is a marketing database containing detailed reports on current market information including subjects such as leisure, consumer goods, travel, retail and industrial reports. Reports can be downloaded or printed in sections.

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Can I access this resource?

To access Mintel Oxygen you must be either:

  • A Teesside University undergraduate or postgraduate
  • A member of Teesside University staff
  • A TUCP student

If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource


Use of licenced material

All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.

Distil, précis, digest and analyse the information comprised in the Services as part of a live project conducted as a requirement as part of their academic course PROVIDED THAT as a maximum, ONLY the lesser of 2.5% of any single Mintel report forming part of the Services, and 25% of a section within any single Mintel report, (such percentages to exclude indexes and contents pages) is included in a dissertation or thesis by way of a direct extract AND PROVIDED THAT any such précis, summary or analysis of the information is clearly identified as having been derived from, but is not a faithful reproduction of Mintel’s or other hosted publisher’s information.

All databases are provided for educational use only.

A copy of the full terms of Mintel Oxygen can be found below.
