Policing Insight
Policing Insight


Policing Insight content consists of news, opinion, research and analysis produced by our editorial team and over 1000 external expert contributors, delivered through articles and reports as well as the hugely valuable Media Monitor service. Media Monitor is a curated daily brief and searchable database of over 68,000 links to articles, reports and research from media, academic and policing and criminal justice organisations. Each link is tagged in detail creating an amazing research database.

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More Info

For information on how to access Policing Insight go to: Access Instructions


Can I access this resource?

To access Policing Insight you must be either:

  • A Teesside University undergraduate or postgraduate
  • A member of Teesside University staff
  • A TUCP student 

If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource


Use of licenced material

All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.

All databases are provided for educational use only.

A copy of the full terms of the Policing Insight licence can be found below.
