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SciFinder is a research discovery application that provides unlimited access to the world's most comprehensive and authoritative source of references, substances and reactions in chemistry and related sciences.

SciFinder offers a one-stop shop experience with flexible search and discover options based on user input and workflow. You can search for substances, reactions, and patent and journal references.


Accessibility Statement (This link opens in a new window)

More Info

Can I access this resource?

To access SciFinder you must be either:

  • A member of Teesside University academic staff
  • A member of Teesside University Library staff
  • A current Teesside University undergraduate or postgraduate
  • A TUCP student

If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource


Access SciFinder for the first time

In order to access SciFinder you must first register with the site by setting up an account

You will need to register with your name and contact information.  The email address you provide must be your Teesside University email address.

You will be prompted to create your own username and password for SciFinder.  An email will then be sent to your Teesside University email address with a confirmation link that you must click within 48 hours in order to confirm your registration.  Please note that you must be on campus when you set up and verify your account.


I have already registered with SciFinder

If you have already set up your SciFinder account please follow the link below to log in.

You will first be prompted for your Teesside University username and password, followed by your SciFInder username and password.


Use of licenced material

All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.

All databases are provided for educational use only.

Users may:

  1. Use the product solely in the ordinary course of Academic Research;
  2. Store search results in electronic form, provided that at any one time, no more than 5,000 records are stored by each User
  3. Search only for themselves;
  4. Share their search results in a reasonable, limited way with you Users working on the same or related research projects; provided, however, such sharing may not result in: an aggregation of the electronic records stored by individual Users, or the creation of any central source of electronic records.

Stored records must be deleted when they are no longer needed by the Users for the relevant research project, or, if a student, after the completion of your degree programme, whichever occurs first.

A copy of the full terms of the SciFinder licence can be found below.
