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Journal Articles

What are journals?


They are:

  • like magazines but of a scholarly nature
  • published at regular intervals with no predetermined end
  • contain articles on a variety of topics
  • the articles are written by different authors
  • sometimes they also contain reviews and other information
  • in printed and electronic formats

Why Should I use them?

  • journal time is much quicker than for a book
  • using information from journals will keep you up to date and informed of new developments in your subject
  • journals articles are more specific than books.  They give you more detailed information in a more scholarly and concise format
  • subject may not yet (or may never) be covered in books
  • quality research - academic reputation - peer reviewed.

What does peer reviewed mean?

  • Written by an academic, who is a specialist in the subject
  • Submitted to an editor, who then passes the work to other professionals or 'peers' for a critiques, the work is then passed back to the original writer for changes to be made before being published
  • Longer articles, heavily text based
  • Charts, tables, statistics and images
  • Properly referenced with a list of references at the end of the article.

How do I access a journal?

Electronic journals

The majority of journal titles are available electronically. Teesside University Staff and Students can search through Discovery to find electronic journals. This can be accessed 24/7 both on and off campus. You may be asked for your Teesside University Username and password


Print journals

A small number of current journal titles in print format are available in Middlesbrough Campus Library, please check Discovery for location details.

Back issues of some selected print journals are available in the Campus Store. Teesside University Staff and Students can request journals held in Campus Store by completing a Campus store journal request form.  Items are retrieved from the store on a daily basis and will be available after 10am.


Law reports

Paper copies of the Law Reports are kept at LR340 on Floor 2 of the Library, for more detailed information on Law Reports and how to trace legal cases see the Law Subject LibGuide


Inter Library Loans

If the journal you require is not in the library collection, you may be able to request the item through the Inter Library Loans service, if you are eligible. For further information on eligibility and the limits which apply see Inter Library Loans more information.