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How to Reference

Harvard Referencing

The core referencing style used at Teesside University is Harvard Standard according to the book 'Cite Them Right' by Pears and Shields.

Click on the book cover below for details of the print copies held in the Library.

Click here for the online version.

Cite them right link


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Harvard - Cite Them Right referencing examples

How to reference a bookpile of books

Books with up to 3 authors:
In-text citation

Pears and Shields (2022, p. 20) or (Pears and Shields, 2022, p. 20)

Reference list

Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2022) Cite them right: the essential referencing guide. 12th edn. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Books with 4 or more authors:
In-text citation

(Young et al., 2015, p. 46) or Young et al. (2015, p. 46)

Reference list

Young, H.D. et al. (2015) Sears and Semansky's university physics. 10th edn. San Francisco: Addison-Wesley.

Secondary Referencing
In-text citation

(Macmillan and Crelman,1991, cited in Wickens, 2002, p. 37)

Reference list

Wickens, T.D. (2002) Elementary signal detection theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press


An ebook that includes all the same elements as the print version e.g. page numbers, edition, publication details, should be referenced as though it was a print book.

Ebooks available on an edevice e.g. Kindle

If the ebook is available on an edevice (Kindle, smartphones and tablets) the elements might not be the same as the print version.  If this is the case you need to use the information you do have e.g. loc or %

In-text citation

(Adams, 1979, loc 876) or Adams (1979, loc 876)

Reference list

Adams, D. (1979) The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. Available at: (Downloaded: 28 August 2013).

How to reference a journal article journals

Journal articles with up to 3 authors (applies to paper and electronic versions)
In-text citation

(Parton and Fleming, 2008) or Parton and Fleming (2008)

Reference list

Parton, S. and Fleming, H. (2008) 'Academic libraries and learning support in collaboration', New Review of Academic Librarianship, 13(1), pp. 79-89. Available at:

Journal articles with 4 or more authors (applies to both paper and electronic formats - for instance this article is electronic and includes a doi * see below for information on doi's).
In-text citation

(Norrie et al., 2012) or Norrie et al. (2012)

Reference list

Norrie, C. et al. (2012) 'Doing it differently? A review of literature on teaching reflective practice across health and social care professions', Reflective Practice, 13(4), pp. 565-578. Available at: 

How to Reference an electronic journal article with doi

In-text citation

Barke, Mowl and Shield's study (2010) ....

Reference list

Barke, M., Mowl, S. and Shields, G. (2010) 'Malaga - a failed resort of the early twentieth century?', Journal of Tourism History, 2(3), pp. 187-212. Available at:

* a doi (Digital Object Identifier) is used to identify individual digital (online) sources, such as journal articles and conference papers. No accessed date is needed.

How to Reference an electronic journal article with URL

In-text citation

An example cited by Dutta and Marjit (2016, p. 120).

Reference list

Dutta, M. and Marjit, S. (2016) 'Intra-country technology transfer', Indian Economic Review, 51(1/2), new series, pp. 117-127. Available at: (Accessed: 27 May 2021). 

How to reference a website social media logos

In-text citation

BBC (2018) or (BBC, 2018)

Reference list

BBC (2018) News. Available at: 

(Accessed: 14 May 2018).

How to reference an Act of Parliament (for UK after 1963)

Whole act:
In-text citation
(Wild Animals in Circuses Act 2019)
Reference list

Wild Animals in Circuses Act 2019, c. 24. Available at: (Accessed: 23 November 2023).

Section of an Act:

In-text citation

As outlined in section 20(2) of the Act (Children and Families Act 2014)....

Reference List

Children and Families Act 2014, c. 6. Available at: (Accessed: 23 November 2023).


It is important to remember that submitting material generated by GenAI as your own work is an offence and would be dealt with using the academic misconduct regulations and so will incur strict penalties. However, using AI to support your learning can be beneficial, if used responsibly and with integrity. Check if your module allows the use of AI.

You need to acknowledge any use of generative AI output in your work. You should provide a full and proper citation and reference list entry where possible.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT GenAI chatbot is the most well-known of the generative AI technologies but others (such as Google Gemini, Microsoft Copilot and Anthropic Claud, DALL-E or Midjourney) also exist and require referencing to avoid plagiarism. Types of material that might be generated by AI include:
• Text
• Images
• Code
• Video


Anything that is not your original creation or thoughts should be appropriately referenced.

Please note:

This is provisional advice and may be subject to change as official guidelines for various referencing styles are still in the process of being created. Please also consult guidance from your Department or School on using generative AI for your academic work

Online tutorial for referencing

If you cannot view the online tutorial below, go to the following web page. When you've viewed the basics section there, click back to this page and select the 'In-text' tab above.

If you cannot view the online tutorial below, go to the following web page. When you've viewed the in-text citations section there, click back to this page and select the 'Paraphrasing' tab above.

If you cannot view the online tutorial below, go to the following web page. When you've viewed the paraphrasing section there, click back to this page and select the 'Reference list' tab above.

If you cannot view the online tutorial below, go to the following web page. When you've viewed the reference list section there, click back to this page.


Refworks link

RefWorks allows you to create and manage your own personal database of useful references. You can then use these to quickly compile a reference list or bibliography for your assignments. 

Click on the link below for more information, and details of Library workshops on how to use Refworks.