These guides will introduce you to the basics of critical thinking covering :
Printable guide on how to think critically How to read academic research quickly help sheet
Checklist to critically evaluate a source
Critical thinking – what it is and why you need it. What does it mean to be critical? This introductory non-subject-specific workshop will:
Times of sessions Semester 1 2024/25 Face-to-face session: Wednesday 9th October 13:00 -14:00 Room: T1.02 (The Curve)
Online via Teams: Friday 8th November 10:00 - 11:00 Online.
Wednesday 4 December 14:00 - 15:00 Online.
No need to book
If you need further information or any adjustments to fully access this session, please contact in advance.
Click on the image of the calendar page at the top of box to see the programme of other workshops currently being offered. We are very interested to hear your views about any workshop you attend. Please complete the feedback form after you have attended.
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