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Contact the Library

For help with a variety of enquiries you can contact the Library by:


telephone icon01642 342100  (Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm)





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Social Sciences, Humanities and Law

Support with finding information for your assignments

In this type of tutorial you can get support with:

  • Searching for books and journals using Discovery
  • Using the online subject specific databases for Social Sciences, Humanities and Law

You can book a tutorial with one of our Social Sciences, Humanities and Law librarians: Fran, Patricia or Fred.


You can book a tutorial here or via the button below.

We can offer support via face to face appointments on campus at Middlesbrough or via Teams. Please indicate on the booking form what type of appointment you would prefer. Remember to check the directions section to see if face-to-face is available for your chosen time.

If there are no convenient times available please contact:

If you book a small group tutorial, please provide all details (name and student number) of those attending so we can book an appropriate sized space or email MS Teams links. In a group tutorial, support will be generic for your course of study. We are are unable to discuss individual cases in a group session.