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If you are an academic, researcher or a postgraduate doctoral student (Level 8) you can book an appointment with our Research Support Academic Librarian, David Watson and Assistant Academic Librarian, Daisy Campbell for help and advice with:
Before booking an appointment, please ensure you have looked at the online support materials available:
Literature Searching FAQ – This guide provides answers to frequently asked questions and links to other guides that can assist with literature searching, conducting a systematic review, and finding theses.
Research Data Management- This guide provides a step-by-step overview of the data management process and includes guidance on how to fill out a DMP Online form to create your data management, links to the University’s Data Management policy and how to manage and publish your data.
Reference Management – This guide provides an overview of reference management and includes detailed guides on how to use RefWorks and EndNote, and information on TU Schools referencing styles.
Getting Published - This guide provides information on open access publishing, transformative agreements, funder policies and routes to publishing your work open access. It also has information on the steps to getting published and traps to avoid.
If you still require an appointment with David Watson or Daisy Campbell please email with your requirements and the team will then contact you to arrange an appointment.