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Teesside University London eLibrary services

Need help?

We have a range of support options available to you, from self-help resources, like those below, to one to one tutorials. 

elp with written asseessments Makiing the most of searches how to reference

If you cannot find the help you need from the resouces above, please contact one of the support routes below. 

Support with finding information for your assignments & referencing

If you would like one to one support with finding information for your assignment and/or referencing, please book an online appointment with an Academic Librarian: 

If there are no convenient times available please email your name, student number and preferred dates and times to:

If you have a brief question about Library resources, then please drop us a line:

  • Computer Games and Animation, and Computer Science students email icon
  • Business students email icon

Alternatively on the first Wednesday of every month from 11:00 - 12:00 talk to a librarian about anything e-Library related.

Academic writing and study skills support

We are able to provide you with support on your writing or academic skills. One to one appointments can be held over MS Teams. 

To arrange a one to one appointment, please book here 

If there are no convenient times available please email your name, student number and preferred dates and times to: