Phrase Searching
Discovery allows for phrase searching with the use of “ ”. The query “teacher education” will find results with that phrase
Using OR, multiple phrases can be searched, such as “teacher education” OR “educator training”.
Wildcard Use in Discovery
Searches within Discovery can be performed using the wildcards, question mark (?) and asterisk (*).
A question mark (?) will match any one character and can be used to find ‘Olsen’ or ‘Olson’ by searching for Ols?n.
An asterisk (*) will match multiple characters within a word or at the end of a word. A search for ‘Ch*ter’ would match ‘Charter’, ‘Character’, and ‘Chapter’. When used at the end of a word, such as ‘Temp*’, it will match all suffixes such as ‘Temptation’, ‘Temple’ and ‘Temporary’.
Wildcards cannot be used within a phrase search.