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Planning for delays
- Let tutors, lecturers and project group members know you commute
- This will help them understand when the occasional delay happens
- If you miss a lecture, see if it was recorded
- Ask others in your classes to take notes for you (and do the same for them)
- Keep time in your schedule to catch-uo
- The content of the next lecture may require knowledge from the previous week
- Decide if the delay is going to be short and you can still come in
- If it is a long delay it may be better to work from home
- Keep to your normal routine as much as possible - it is still possible to have a productive afternoon, even if you missed your morning class
- Try not to use regular delays as an excuse not to bother
- You'll fall behind and miss out on valuable contact time
- You may need to change the way you travel e.g. transport
- You may need to swap seminar groups or stay with a friend