They are:
Databases are specialist search engines that search for quality information, such as journal articles and research papers.
The databases listed below cover specific subject areas. The brief summary will give you guidance on the subject coverage.
Hover over the icons by each, to see what help is available.
For more general databases which cover many different subject areas see the next tab - General databases. These will still be very useful for crime and investigation.
For legal information (e.g. cases and legislation) look at the Legal databases - listed under the Legal databases tab.
For help searching the databases contact your SSHL information team. Details on the Home page
Please note that all databases are provided for educational use only
Published by Ebsco, this resource includes bibliographic records and full text covering essential areas related to criminal justice and criminology. The increasing globalization of criminology is reflected in coverage of hundreds of journals from around the world. There are more than 300,000 records and full text comes from 200 magazines and journals, as well full-text books & monographs.
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To access EBSCOhost databases you must be either:
If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource
Use of licenced material
All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.
All databases are provided for educational use only.
A copy of the full terms of the Ebsco licence can be found below.
List of electronic resource licences (E-H) (This link opens in a new window)
A collection of searchable e-books covering forensics, crime scene science, fire investigation, security management and computer crime investigation
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Can I access this resource?
To access Forensic NetBase you must be either:
If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource
Use of licenced material
All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.
All databases are provided for educational use only.
Authorised Users may, in accordance with the Licence and the Restrictions:
Copy and paste up to one thousand (1000) words per single eBook, serial or other literary work forming part of the Licensed Materials under this Agreement, per Authorised User, per session for Personal Use only.
Each Authorised User shall not access any one (1) Licensed Material for more than one hundred and twenty (120) minutes per session.
A copy of the full terms of the Forensic NetBase licence can be found below.
ASSIA is a bibliographic database which gives references (with abstracts) to the literature of the applied social sciences, including social policy, social services, society, family issues, economics, politics, employment, race relations, health, education and youth work. The abstracts are taken from over 550 English language journals from 16 countries. Coverage is from 1987, with information being updated monthly.
Accessibility Statement (This link opens in a new window)
Can I access this resource?
To access ProQuest databases you must be either:
If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource.
Use of licenced material
All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.
All databases are provided for educational use only.
A copy of the full terms for ProQuest can be found below.
List of electronic resource licences (M-P) (This link opens in a new window)
PsycINFO contains citations and summaries of journal articles, books, technical reports and dissertations in the field of psychology and related disciplines such as psychiatry, physiology and sociology. Over 55,000 references are added annually.
Help and guidance is available at
Accessibility Statement (This link opens in a new window)
Can I access this resource?
To access PsycArticles, PsycINFO & PsycTESTS you must be either:
If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource
Use of licenced material
All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.
All databases are provided for educational use only.
A copy of the full terms of the PsycArticles, PsycINFO & PsycTESTS licence can be found below.
EMBASE is a major biomedical and pharmaceutical database indexing over 3,500 international journals in the following fields: drug research, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, toxicology, clinical and experimental human medicine, health policy and management, public health, occupational health, environmental health, drug dependence and abuse, psychiatry, forensic medicine, and biomedical engineering/instrumentation.
The Embase (EMED) Database has been reloaded to implement the 2024.03 Thesaurus Tool.
Further Help and guidance is available at - please select the Embase tab
Can I access this resource?
To access Embase you must be either:
If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource
Use of licenced material
All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.
All databases are provided for educational use only.
A copy of the full terms of the Embase licence can be found below.
The NCJRS Abstracts Database contains summaries of the more than 200,000 criminal justice, juvenile justice, and substance abuse resources housed in the NCJRS Library collection
Accessibility Statement (This link opens in a new window)
The databases listed below cover many different subject areas. They are very useful for the crime and investigation subject area.
Hover over the icons by each, to see what help is available.
For legal information (e.g. cases and legislation) look at the Legal databases - listed under the Legal databases tab.
For help searching the databases contact your SSHL information team. Details on the Home page
Please note that all databases are provided for educational use only
Easy to use and comprehensive, Scopus is the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature covering 20,500 journals.
Further Help and guidance is available at - please select the Scopus tab
Accessibility Statement (This link opens in a new window)
Can I access this resource?
To access Scopus you must be either:
If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource
Use of licenced material
All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.
All databases are provided for educational use only.
A copy of the full terms of the Scopus licence can be found below.
An extremely popular comprehensive database of primary literature which provides the full-text of more than 2,500 peer-reviewed scientific, technical and medical journals
Accessibility Statement (This link opens in a new window)
Can I access this resource?
To access Science Direct Journals you must be either:
If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource
Use of licenced material
All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.
All databases are provided for educational use only.
A copy of the full terms of the Science Direct Journals licence can be found below.
Sage Journals Online provides access to the following collections:
Premier Journals Collection portfolio of 1,101 titles
SAGE IMechE portfolio of 18 titles
SAGE RSM portfolio of 28 titles
Accessibility Statement (This link opens in a new window)
Can I access this resource?
To access Sage Journals Online you must be either:
If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource
Use of licenced material
All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.
All databases are provided for educational use only.
A copy of the full terms of the Sage Premier licence can be found below.
Ingenta is a multidisciplinary database which offers access to article summaries from over 28,000 publications. Fulltext access is available to subscribers of particular publications although for a definitive view please follow the Electronic Journals page. Non-subscribers can, for the majority of articles, pay-per-view choosing from electronic, fax or ariel delivery. Please see also Zetoc (Electronic Table of Contents from the British Library) available at
Accessibility Statement (This link opens in a new window)
An abstracting & indexing database covering over 12,000 journals via the Science Citation Index Expanded, the Social Sciences Citation Index, and the Arts and Humanities Citation Index. Conference proceedings for science and social sciences & humanities are also indexed
Accessibility Statement (This link opens in a new window)
Can I access this resource?
To access Web of Science you must be either:
If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource
Use of licenced material
All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.
All databases are provided for educational use only.
A copy of the full terms of the Web of Science licence can be found below.
The databases listed below are legal and law specific subject databases, covering cases, legislation, journal articles and news articles.
Hover over the icons by each, to see what help is available.
For help searching the databases contact your SSHL information team. Details on the Home page
Please note that all databases are provided for educational use only
HeinOnline content spans multiple library collections, and subscribers enjoy online access to tens of millions of pages of research material that in many instances is only available in HeinOnline.
Accessibility Statement (This link opens in a new window)
Can I access this resource?
To access Hein Online you must be either:
If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource.
Use of licenced material
All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.
All databases are provided for educational use only.
A copy of the full terms of the Hein Online licence can be found below.
Lexis Plus (Lexis+) is a legal database containing UK, EU and international case law, legislation, legal journals, commentary texts, current awareness, and news. The database provides access to full text online legal and news information services and contains a range of practitioner texts including Butterworths Company Law Handbook and Butterworths Family Law Service as well as All England Law Reports, Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents, and Halsbury's Laws. A full-text collection of several UK broadsheet, tabloid and local newspapers is also included.
Accessibility Statement (This link opens in a new window)
Can I access this resource?
To access Lexis Library you must be either:
If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource
Use of licenced material
All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.
The licence for Lexis Nexis includes the following terms:
A copy of the full terms of the Lexis Library licence can be found below.
This is a database which searches for cases, legislation and journals both for the UK and EU. Searches can be carried out for journal articles using the Legal Journals Index or UK Journals which gives some full text articles.
Accessibility Statement (This link opens in a new window)
Can I access this resource?
To access Westlaw UK you must be either:
If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource
Use of licenced material
All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.
All databases are provided for educational use only.
A copy of the full terms of the Westlaw UK licence can be found below.
This organisation aims to promote a system of vendor and media neutral citation in the United Kingdom and Ireland
SAGE Research Methods is a research methods tool created to help researchers, faculty and students with their research projects. SAGE Research Methods links over 175,000 pages of SAGE’s book, journal and reference content with advanced search and discovery tools. Researchers can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand particular methods or identify a new method, conduct their research, and write up their findings. Since SAGE Research Methods focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, it can be used across the social sciences, health sciences, and more.
Accessibility Statement (This link opens in a new window)
Can I access this resource?
To access Sage Research Methods and Cases you must be either:
If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource
Use of licenced material
All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.
All databases are provided for educational use only.
A copy of the full terms of the Sage Research Methods & Cases licence can be found below.
Search and browse this collection of case studies of real social research, specially commissioned and designed to help you understand abstract methodological concepts in practice.
Accessibility Statement (This link opens in a new window)
Can I access this resource?
To access Sage Research Methods and Cases you must be either:
If you are not a member of any of these groups then unfortunately our licence does not allow access to the resource
Use of licenced material
All electronic databases are covered by licences, and failure to adhere to the terms of the licences could result in the University losing access to these resources.
All databases are provided for educational use only.
A copy of the full terms of the Sage Research Methods & Cases licence can be found below.
The following guides will help you to develop your skills in finding journal articles: