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Fine Art

Who should use this guide ...

This Subject Guide contains resources and support for students studying Art and Fine Art.

Highlights (Click on the relevant image to access the resource)

Flipster magazines
Learning hub
Pressreader promo
Box of Broadcasts promo
Fine Art magazine titles
Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts promo
Library and academic skills - that are not actually that scary!
Succeed@Tees workshops

Ask your Friendly School of Arts and Creative Industries Librarians

If you have any queries please contact one of your Librarians at

Sharron Woolley

Academic Librarian


Mark Burton

Assistant Academic Librarian

Why use Library resources?

Inform, Justify, Inspire - Why use Library resources in your assignment?

  • Inform your thinking
  • Justify your arguments
  • Inspire your creativity

Need help in Getting Started in Using the Library

What's on - Succeed@Tees scheduled workshops

Session feedback

We are very interested to hear your views about the session you attended and would welcome your feedback. Please complete the form below:

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