Welcome to students from Teesside University College Partnership (TUCP) coll
As a Teesside University student based at a TUCP partner college, you may use the facilities of Teesside University Library at as a backup to the services available from your college library or LRC.
This page provides information on how to get started in using the facilities at the Library. It also gives links to more detailed subject guides. Use these to help find information in your subject area.
For more help in getting started in using the Library facilities use the link below for New Students.
Your College Library will provide you with:
- materials on your reading list in appropriate quantities
- background reading to broaden and deepen your understanding of the curriculum
- reference material
- relevant journals
- some materials at a more advanced level to meet the immediate needs of project and assignment work and for academic staff to prepare for teaching
- induction and information literacy development
- study space.
Learning Support
The Learning Hub provides practical advice workshops and tutorials on developing your writing, study skills, literature searching and referencing.
Succeed@Tees is a series of workshops created to help you with your studies. Online resources for each workshop are available from the link.
Finding Information for Your Subject
Click on the drop down arrow to search for a Subject Guide to find a range of useful resources for your area: