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Music Production

Who should use this guide ...

This Subject Guide contains resources and support for students studying Music Production.

Highlights (Click on the relevant image to access a shortcut to that resource)

Pressreader promo
Campaign UK
Box of Broadcasts promo
Library and academic skills - that are not actually that scary!
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Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts promo
Promo for getting help from SACI librarians
Learning hub
Succeed@Tees workshops

Ask your Friendly School of Arts and Creative Industries Librarians

If you have any questions please contact one of our librarians or if you require further help you can either click on the 'Book a tutorial' link or button to make an appointment.
For help with literature searching, referencing, Refworks or if you are a member of academic staff and require help with Reading Lists Online book a tutorial with one of our academic librarians: Sharron or Mark. We can offer support via email or Microsoft Teams or on campus - book a time via the link or button below. Please indicate on the form what type of appointment you would like.

Book a tutorial with Sharron or Mark at

Sharron Woolley

Academic Librarian

email icon

Mark Burton

Assistant Academic Librarian

email icon

Introducing the eresources and support available to you

Made with Padlet

Why use Library resources?

Inform, Justify, Inspire - Why use Library resources in your assignment?

  • Inform your thinking
  • Justify your arguments
  • Inspire your creativity

Need help in Getting Started in Using the Library

What’s on - Succeed@Tees calendar of scheduled sessions.

To participate in an online workshop, click on the session title in the calendar. You should then be able to see the URL to access that session in the event description.

For guidance on using BlackBoard Collaborate go to the Help pages on Blackboard 

Guidance on using Microsoft Teams is available here from Digital Futures

Various help guides on Teams are available from the Microsoft website 

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