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The Learning Hub

The Learning Hub is a learning support service provided by Student and Library Services.

Learning Hub drop in

  • It is an inclusive service that is offered to all Teesside University students.
  • Students can discuss strategies and resources to help them to fulfil their potential.
  • It provides a range of approaches for learning including online materials, one-to-one tutorials and workshops.

How can the Learning Hub help you to embed skills in the curriculum?

  1. Academic librarians will liaise with you to support the embedding of academic skills within the curriculum.  Working in collaboration with members of the Learning and Development team and with yourselves, they can advise on and develop activities tailored to the needs of the students.
  1. Delivery of academic skills input may be face to face or online.  Activities may be delivered by academic staff, academic librarians, or members of the learning and development team. The most appropriate delivery of the activities will be agreed on a case by case basis.
  1. Academic librarians will prioritise sessions for Teesside University students.

What happens during tutorials with a member of the learning and development team?

Students need to email, explaining what they need help with. They will initially be triaged to our online materials, but if they feel they need more support, they can e-mail to ask for a tutorial.

  1. Students set the agenda for tutorials and decide on the topic for discussion.
  1. Appointments will normally be arranged on a Monday- Friday between 9-5 and will last for 30 minutes.
  1. The aim of the sessions is to focus on developing learning so:
    1.  Students might want to discuss:
  • A marked assignment so that we can discuss feedback
  • A module handbook
  • An outline of the assessment criteria for an assignment
  • A timetable of submission dates to talk about time management
  1. We will help students devise strategies to check their own work but we will not proofread.
  2. We will help students to identify ways to improve their writing based on a draft piece of work. For this reason only one tutorial is offered for each piece of work (unless advised by the tutor).  
  3. Tutorials will focus on the style and structure of the student’s work not on discipline specific content.
  1. We may refer students to another source of support within the University where appropriate.
  1. To allow us to meet the needs of all students:
    1.  We offer 3 appointments per semester
    2. We will read and comment on whatever is possible during the 30 minute appointment, so we cannot guarantee that we can look through a whole assignment.
    3. It is important that students let us know if they are unable to attend so we can offer their appointment to another student.  

What is the role of Succeed@Tees workshops?

  1. Succeed@Tees workshops are designed for individual students, to support independent learning.
  1. The workshops are intended to support the curriculum.  Therefore, they are not subject-specific and do not require students to book.
  1. The workshop programme is supported by online material (Workshops) to develop learning beyond the introductory workshop.
  1. Succeed@Tees workshop materials may be used and adapted for non-commercial use under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) licence.
  1. The workshop programme is reviewed on an annual basis, based on attendance, feedback and identified need for new workshops.

What is the role of PASS (Peer Assisted Study Sessions)?

  1. PASS is an internationally recognised scheme whereby students are trained to mentor and guide students in lower years to support their learning through study sessions. 
  1. Teesside University is a member of the North European SI/PASS network and all supervisors are accredited.
  1. PASS is delivered in a number of modules at Teesside University and these are reviewed on an annual basis.  Each module has an academic co-ordinator who collaborates with L&IS in supporting the PASS leaders.
  1. PASS modules are limited due to the availability of resources to support them.  PASS will be developed according to the priorities of academic schools.
  1. PASS leaders are volunteers who have successfully completed the module.  They commit to 12 hours training, and up to 3 hours per week to facilitate sessions.  This includes a weekly debrief with an academic co-ordinator and a PASS supervisor.  For more information about PASS, see the PASS Guide.

How can you access the Learning Hub?

Enquiries can be made by emailing