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What is the Scanning for Teaching service?

If you need a book chapter, journal article or other print materials to be made available electronically for teaching purposes the Library can help. We can do this by either purchasing the electronic version or scanning the print version under the University's CLA's Higher Education Licence

The scanned documents can then be made available to your students as secure teaching and learning materials via platforms such as Blackboard Ultra, Brightspace and Reading Lists Online.

Why should I use the Scanning for Teaching service?

Scanned and digitised documents are a great resource for students, especially for materials which are heavily used, difficult to access, or essential reading. Only scanned extracts produced by the Library team allow you to safely share material in line with copyright regulations.

The Library Scanning for Teaching service creates machine readable and copyright compliant digital copies of journal articles and book chapters for teaching purposes. It ensures students are able to make use of the same resources whether they are able to access campus, are distance learners, have accessibility needs, or print disabilities.

  • Scans are produced under the University’s Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) Licence, which allows the Library team to digitise extracts from books and journals for use on a specific module.
  • We create high quality scans using specialist equipment.
  • We produce searchable, optical character recognition (OCR), pdfs to make the materials accessible for all students.
  • We provide a link you can add to your Reading List, module, or any other learning materials, so students can simply click through to their digitised reading. 
  • We ensure scans are provided legally by taking care of all the necessary licence checks and reporting for you.

We also provide a separate Chapters To You service which produces scanned extracts for personal research use.

What can be scanned?

For works covered by the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) Licence we can scan;

  • One whole chapter from a book.
  • Two whole articles from a journal issue – or, where the issue (or a substantial part of it) is devoted to a particular theme, any number of articles devoted to that particular theme.
  • One short story, poem or play (not exceeding 10 pages in length) from an anthology.
  • One whole scene from a play.
  • One whole paper from a set of conference proceedings.
  • One whole report of a single case from a volume of judicial proceedings.
  • Or 10% of the total publication, whichever is the greater.

Some works, particularly from US publishers, may not be covered under the CLA Licence. We can still support you to legally share portions of these works, get in touch with the team for further information

How do I request an item to be scanned?

Request a journal article

Request a book chapter

Request other (short story, play, conference paper, etc)

Use Discovery to see if we already have access to the article:

  • Electronic access: link to the article using the permalink  permalink icon to ensure the item can only be accessed by members of the University.
  • Print access: fill in the Scanning request form. 
  • Not in stock: fill in the Scanning request form. We will attempt to obtain a digitised copy from the British Library. 

Scanning request form


Use Discovery to see if we already have access to the book chapter:

  • Electronic access: link to the book chapter using the permalink permalink icon  to ensure the chapter can only be accessed by members of the University.
  • Print access: fill in the Scanning request form. 
  • Not in stock: fill in the Scanning request form. We will attempt to buy a copy or obtain a digitised copy from the British Library. 

Scanning request form

Use Discovery to see if we already have access to the poem, short story, conference paper etc:

  • Electronic access: link to the item using the permalink permalink icon  to will ensure the item can only be accessed by members of the University.
  • Print access: fill in the Scanning request form. 
  • Not in stock: fill in the Scanning request form. We will attempt to buy a cop or obtain a digitised copy from the British Library. 

Scanning request form



I have a scanned document I want to use - can I just upload it?
Are there any resources that cannot be digitised?

Can I download an article/chapter from an online journal and upload it?

What does the Library's Scanning for Teaching Team do?

Can I record a television programme to show students?

I have a scanned item on my module - can I just copy the link and use it on another module?

How do I link to an electronic item in Discovery?

What is the Digital Content Store (DCS)?

Useful Resources

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