Before you start adding resources the bookmarklet tool needs to installed onto your web browser. Go to the Getting Started section of this guide for more information.
To add resources which are already in stock in the Library use the Discovery search tool to find books (print and electronic), journal articles and conference papers. Sign in to Discovery to view full availability of resources.
If you are working on a reading list and it is still open in another tab or window, you will need to refresh the page to show your newly added item. Once you have finished adding all the items you want on your list, you must publish it, in order for students to see the changes. Clicking Publish will also notify the Library to review your list for new book purchases.
When adding items to lists please make use of the Library's extensive collection of book titles, electronic journal titles & articles, and other formats of materials rather than requesting new resources. Detailed instructions of how to add different items to your reading list can be found below.
If an article/paper is not available via the library's subscriptions or open access please see the Scanning for Teaching page as it may be possible to supply a copyright cleared version. It may also be possible to use the Scanning for Teaching service to digitise a chapter from a book (or up to 10% of the book) which isn't available in ebook format.
Use the Subject LibGuides to find journal titles and databases that are relevant for your modules. If the journal or database you want to add is not available via the Library please contact your Academic Librarian
PressReader gives access to over 7000 newspapers and magazines.
Instructions on how to bookmark newspapers, magazines and articles from this site are below.
You can also direct your students to information on websites.
There might be videos which you would like to add to your lists.
BoB is Learning on Screen’s on demand TV and radio service for education. There is a series of instructional videos to help using BoB. Users will need to register when logging in to BoB for the first time, and then complete registration by clicking on the link in the verification email. Students will need to register in order to view any clips you bookmark on your reading lists.
Instructions on how to bookmark videos from this site are below.
YouTube is home to lots of useful videos on a variety of topics.
Some useful education Channels on You Tube include:
Instructions on how to bookmark videos from this site are below.
You can add specific notes to your list for students which will help guide them through their readings. You can add annotations and comments to highlight what is useful about an item or how they could use it in an assessment.
Don't forget to set the importance level for any items that you add to your list. This enables students to see at a glance which are the most important resources. The library use these importance levels for purchasing and assigning loan categories too.
When adding an item to a Reading List you need to select a category from Purchase by Student, Essential or Recommended (PER).
PER mainly refers to books and can be described as follows:
E=Essential: These are titles which students are expected to refer to but not necessarily to purchase. The Library will buy an e-copy (if available) and/or print copies according to a purchasing policy. Please contact your Academic Librarian for more details.
R=Recommended: Less vital than essential, but still a sought after item. The Library will buy an e-copy (if available) and/or print copies according to a purchasing policy. Please contact your Academic Librarian for more details.
When you are creating a list for an Approval or Review event it is standard practice to use the section headings of: Purchase; Essential; Recommended; Journals; and Websites. Once your module has been approved, you can rename the sections of your list and add new ones. Students might find it helpful if you broke up your list into weekly readings or themes. You can also add paragraphs to give additional information. This will help students to navigate your list easily.
Use the action bar
or the 3 dot action button to add sections/paragraphs and the 3 dot action button
to edit them.
More detailed instructions on how to do this can be found below.