If you are thinking about investing your time and money into further study see this information to help you decide what to choose.
The Student Futures website, pulls together some useful links and information for further study, including: why do postgraduate study?; choosing a postgraduate course; choosing a PhD; personal statements; and Masters applications. If you are considering moving on to postgraduate study, the Support for masters students guide provides information on: the transition to Masters study; independent learning critical thinking and writing. The University website also has lots of information for postgraduate opportunities at Teesside, including information about fees, funding and scholarships. The postgraduate research pages have all the information you need about the range of postgraduate research opportunities available at Teesside University and how to apply for them. The information for Researchers page explains how Student and Library Services can support researchers too. |
Whether you choose to find a job or begin postgraduate study, there are a number of routes you can take after university. Have a look at some for the career options below to see what could be next for you.
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Placements, internships and work experience
Staring your own business
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There are many opportunities to study or work abroad, even if you can't speak languages other than English. Find out where across the world you can go, what your options are, what visa and work permits you'll need. See the Working and studying abroad section of this web page. |