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Reading Lists Online: guide for academic staff

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2024-25 Reading lists

Your 2024-25 reading lists have been uploaded into RLO (Reading Lists Online) and are visible to students now. 

Please prioritise your Semester 1 lists as soon as possible (if the list is prefixed with Subject to Approval or Subject to Review wait until Library staff remove the prefix or ask for help).  This is to allow enough time for resources to be purchased for students to use in Semester 1.  You’ll be contacted again when the library is ready to receive lists for Semester 2 modules.

  • Login to Reading Lists Online (RLO) to check the list details and contents are up to date. 
  • Amend, add or remove any items as necessary.  Don’t forget that the Library website and the Discovery search engine have changed slightly due to the change of the Library Management System so please read the help guides (below) to enable you to make any changes to your lists.
  • Check that links to websites, journals and articles work as Library staff do not check these.
  • Publish the list OR Request Review

If you have made changes to your list remember to click on the publish button, otherwise the changes will not be visible to library staff or students. Even if your list has no changes you must send it to the library to be checked for new editions or e-book versions of book titles. To do this you have to login to RLO and select request a review.  See ‘How to edit and review 2024-25 reading lists’ PDF for instructions.

Updating your lists has many benefits: 

  • Advance funds - It is especially important that reading lists for undergraduate students are up to date so students can spend their Teesside University Advance funds wisely.  
  • Accessibility – Prioritising ebooks and online resources reflects the blended model of delivery and removing out of date items ensures resources are relevant. 
  • Availability - The earlier you publish your lists the quicker the Library will be able to order new resources and updated editions.

Adding Resources

Adding items

Detailed instructions of how to add different items to your reading list can be found below.

There may be books that you want to add which are not in the Library's stock. Use Amazon or publishers websites to find these titles. 

Use the Subject LibGuides to find journal titles and databases that are relevant for your modules.  If the journal or database you want to add is not available via the Library please contact your Academic Librarian

You can also direct your students to information on websites. 

Blackboard Ultra

Reading List and LibGuide links are added automatically to each module in Blackboard Ultra. You can check this is working correctly by following the guidance in the Blackboard: LibGuides and Reading List E-learning Help Guide.

If you have any issues with this, please contact your Academic Librarian. 

Reading Lists Online (RLO) – Drop-In Support

Library staff will be on hand during the following times to assist you with updating and publishing your reading lists.  Please join us in L3.01 (Library Floor 3) if you want any advice or just a reminder on what to do. 

  • Tuesday 3rd Sept, 10:00-11:00 
  • Thursday 5th Sept, 14:00-15:00 
  • Monday 9th Sept, 11:00-12:00
  • Thursday 12th Sept, 15:00-16:00