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Borrow, Return, Renew

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Answering enquiries Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm

Contact the Library

For help with a variety of enquiries you can contact the Library by:


telephone icon01642 342100  (Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm)





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Reserving items

You can request printed items which are on loan to other borrowers or items held in the Campus Store.

If items are 'Available' in Discovery, you can get the items immediately from the upper floor book shelves, you cannot reserve available items.

Once notified you can collect your items from the self collect reservations trolley on the Ground floor of the Library, using your TUSC.  You must wait for your notification saying your item is ready to collect before you come to the Library.

How do I reserve an item?

Items which are on loan to another user, or held in the Campus Store, can be reserved via Discovery

  1. Search Discovery to find the item you require
  2. A list of search results will be displayed 
  3. Click on the link to the book title or availability link
  4. Click the arrow to the right of the item on the list you wish to reserve
  5. Where it says “Request” click the blue Reserve link
  6. Click send request, you should get a message to say your request was successful
  7. Remember to logout

Search Discovery

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Further information on reservations

How do I know when my reservation is ready to collect?

  • You will be sent a ‘Reservation waiting collection’ notification email to your University email address
  • You can check the status of your requests in My Account via Discovery 
  • Please wait for a notification saying your item is ready to collect 

Your reserved item/s will be held for 1 week, after this time it will be returned to the shelves. Please let us know if you are having difficulty collecting the item/s in the given timeframe.


How do I collect my reservation?

  • Wait for your 'Reservation awaiting collection' notification
  • Items can be collected from the self collect reservation trolley on the Ground floor of the Library, machines are located in front corner of the building on the Student Union side.


How do I find my reservations?

  • Items are filed alphabetically by the first letter of your surname and your User name
  • Place the reservation slip in one of the boxes on the reservations shelving
  • Issue all your collected item/s immediately at the self service machines using your TUSC


No longer need your reservation?

Check the status of your reservation in the My Requests area iMy Account via Discovery, where there is an option to cancel.

Why can't I reserve an item?

You cannot reserve items if:

  • Your account has been blocked due to overdue loans
  • If you have reached your maximum number of reservations in progress (40 in total)
  • If you already have a copy of the item on loan
  • You already have a reservation for the same item
  • The status of the item is on ordermissingunavailable or reference