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Media and Journalism

eResources for media and journalism research

Add academic value to your assignments by searching the following resources to locate research and other useful material on content creation, the multimedia world, the media industry, the digital landscape, news production, professional practice & ethics, audiences & representation, audience analytics, engagement metrics, fake news, post-truth, post-factual, global journalism and comparative journalism. Research papers and articles can give weight to your arguments whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author.

  • Most will provide an abstract for the article to summarise what it is about - read this to see if you want to access the full text. 
  • You will get the full text online for most results. If the full text is not available, please click on FindIt@Tees where you see it as this will check for access elsewhere.

Hover over the icons to see what help is available.

Need help searching - contact your Art & Creative Industries Librarians. Details on the Home page

Please note that all resources are provided for educational use only.

Practice makes perfect - where visual inspiration meets practical advice across the visual and creative disciplines. A trainer from Bloomsbury gives a demonstration on how to use Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts. This video with captions has a duration of 14 minutes.

If you are looking for business case studies, investment research, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles and current market information, then use the following resources:

Click on the link below to access a list of e-journal titles. Then click on the titles to view the Library's holdings.  To access the e-journals off campus use your IT username and password.

Sight and Sound magazine cover Sight and Sound magazine cover Sight and Sound magazine cover Sight and sound magazine cover

If you are looking for case studies, investment research, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles and current market information, then use the following resources:

Newspapers can be really useful primary sources for both up-to-date and historical research. They reflect the time period, the society and the culture in which they were published.

PressReader has over 7000 newspapers and magazines.

Front covers of UK newspapers

The Library provides access to current print newspapers and a large collection of newspaper online archives.

These links provide statistics specific to your subject area.

Journal articles

What are journals?

They are:Journals

  • like magazines but of a scholarly nature
  • published at regular intervals with no predetermined end
  • contain articles on a variety of topics
  • the articles are written by different authors
  • sometimes they also contain reviews and other information
  • in printed and electronic formats

Why Should I use them?

  • journal time is much quicker than for a book
  • using information from journals will keep you up to date and informed of new developments in your subject
  • journals articles are more specific than books.  They give you more detailed information in a more scholarly and concise format
  • subject may not yet (or may never) be covered in books
  • quality research - academic reputation - peer reviewed.

What is scholarly/peer reviewed?

  • Written by an academic, who is a specialist in the subject
  • Submitted to an editor, who then passes the work to other professionals or 'peers' for a critiques, the work is then passed back to the original writer for changes to be made before being published
  • Longer articles, heavily text based
  • Charts, tables, statistics and images
  • Properly referenced with a list of references at the end of the article.

Click on the link below to access a list of e-journal titles. Then click on the titles to view the Library's holdings.  To access the e-journals off campus use your IT username and password.

Help - journal articles

The following guides will help you to develop your skills in finding journal articles:

Finding Journals

Critical thinking - what it is and why it matters.

Doing a Literature Search

Developing Keywords