This part of the guide is all about how to protect your digital identity. It covers
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We all spend an increasing portion of our time online, whether this is part our employment, studies or personal life.
We all need to take responsibility for our own "Digital safety". It is important to recognise that our behaviour may leave us open to threats to our reputation, privacy, finances or general wellbeing.
There are a number of simple things we can all do to protect ourselves while online.
The following are our top six tips to ensure your digital safety.
1. Create strong passwords
Passwords are one of the most important lines of defense you have in protecting yourself online from hackers and fraudsters. Unfortunately many of us do not use strong passwords, we sacrifice our safety for the ease and convenience of something that is easy for us to remember, often using the same passwords for multiple applications and websites.
2. Keep software (especially antivirus) up to date
Ensure that you have up to date antivirus software on your devices. For students with an iPad, regularly check that your are using the latest IOS.
3. Regularly back up data
It is impossible to anticipate when a device might break or be lost or stolen so it is important for you to always keep a backup of any important documents. There are two main types of documents you need to backup,
4. Protect your mobile devices
Protecting your mobile or tablet device is essential as they do as much traveling around as you do and tend to house lots of your important personal data. Here are some important areas to be be aware of.
5. Be vigilant for phishing emails
Phising is a term to describe a bogus email sent to you from a criminal that pretends to be from another organisation (usually banks, shops, government department etc.) in order to trick you into give them your personal details. These can be very sophisticated and convincing, often the use the same company logos and simliar email addresses. Here is our advice for spotting a phising email.
Can you spot when you're being phished? Identifying phishing can be harder than you think. This quiz takes you through things to be aware of regarding phishing scams.