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Research support


TeesRep is the University's Institutional Repository. It contains journal articles, books, PhD theses, conference papers, data, reports, working papers, art exhibitions and more.  Work stored in TeesRep is freely available to anyone online and can be discovered through search engines.

Deposit your publication in TeesRep

It is mandatory for University staff and Research Students to add the outputs of their research to TeesRep using the University Research Portal.

Guidance on adding your outputs is available below.  For further assistance contact


TeesRep is the repository for Teesside University and contains research by Teesside University researchers. The records are a mixture of full-text items and metadata only. Outputs include journal articles, books, book chapters, conference papers and theses.

Teesside University supports Open Access. TeesRep is funded by the University to enable our authors to make their work freely available to anyone with an internet connection.


Teesside University authors should submit their work to TeesRep through PURE the University's research portal.

For assistance contact

  • When should I submit my work?

As soon as your work is accepted for publication.

New policy from HEFCE requires peer-reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings to be available through an institutional repository upon acceptance for publication, in order to be eligible for submission to the 2021 REF.

Highlights of the Policy

  • Applies to journal articles and conference proceedings with an ISSN
  • Authors accepted manuscript must be deposited in an open access repository within 3 months of acceptance for publication

What authors should do

Authors will need to deposit the output of their research in TeesRep within 3 months of acceptance for publication.

All research outputs should be deposited.

Authors must supply the accepted version of their work (post-print) even if it can be later supplanted by the published version.

The full-text articles included in TeesRep are post-print versions. Post-prints are the final author created version, following peer-review and incorporating referee comments, which have been accepted for publication.   

Where copyright allows, the final published version may be included in TeesRep and will be attached to the metadata as a .pdf. TeesRep can support many file formats and supporting media such as videos and photographs can also be submitted.

 Journey of a journal article

A growing number of publishers will allow self archiving of individually authored book chapters or sections of authored monographs.

Typically we are able to archive 1 chapter from an authored volume or collected work. We will always check your publisher's policy regarding deposit in TeesRep before we make a work available for public download.

If you would like more information please contact us at

Yes, Library staff can assist with the import of large numbers of records.

If you have work missing from your profile or have just joined Teesside University and need to import all your publications please contact

TeesRep contains any format of research produced at Teesside University including:

  • Articles, chapters and conference papers
  • Other conference items, posters, slides
  • Commissioned and unpublished reports
  • Patens and design work
  • Visual and performance art
  • Poetry and literature


Teesside University authors have been mandated to submit all peer reviewed outputs of their research into the institutional repository (TeesRep) since 2010.

  • In general publishers do not allow the archiving of the published version in TeesRep Library staff will check this with your publisher and advise on a case by case basis.
  • The accepted manuscript should contain all academically necessary corrections and is therefore of most value to those unable to access the published work.
  • REF2021 policy on Open Access *requires* the archiving of the authors accepted manuscript, even if the published version is subsequently made available.

You may receive a communication from your publisher confirming that the work has been accepted for publication. If you do not receive this or your acceptance is conditional on changes being made you should take the date of acceptance to be the point at which all academically necessary changes have been made and the work is ready to be taken through the final steps toward publication.

The majority of publishers would not publish an academic thesis without substantial revision. If you wish to publish your thesis or parts of it in a book or journal it is advisable to think of your thesis as one work among many derived from your research rather than your additional publications being derived from your thesis.

Students thinking of applying for an embargo on their work should consult with their supervisor for assistance and choose the appropriate level of embargo to apply when completing the Electronic Thesis Deposit Agreement form. 

For further information and advice contact 

Open Access Policy

Teesside University has an Open Access Policy. You can read the policy and the related summary document below.